Saturday, May 1, 2010

The United States Mint

I just saw that ad for the .999 24k gold bullion coin (the website is ) so I called the 800 number to get some more info, but of course, it being almost 10 o'clock on a Saturday, I was unable to find a human to talk to at that number. So I called toll free directory assistance 1-800-555-1212 to try and find the US Mint phone number, but the damn thing misunderstood me and gave me the number to the VA office, which after calling the number, I discovered is located in Wisconsin, the cheesiest state in the Union. :) So, on the off-chance they knew the number for the Mint, I asked, and they delivered. Thanks, guys! I then found myself talking to a delightful woman, who apparently had nothing better to do at 9:30 on a Saturday night at the US Mint than shoot the breeze with a weirdo like me. I asked her "Well, what could go wrong at the Mint?" That made her laugh for a full 30 seconds. I also found out that apparently I can actually order coins from the Mint --ordinary coins, too, not just commemorative ones. Among other things, I found out that the call center I had been connected with when I called the Mint (and asked the telephone prompt for customer service) was located in Indiana, just outside of Indianapolis, and that they don't know where they get the metals that they strike the coins from.
Anyway, this is my Saturday night, thanks for reading. This has been a production of the Internet. This is Entropy signing off this Saturday night, and thats the way it is.

P.S. Walter Cronkite, Billy Mays and Michael Jackson, you will all be missed.
Walter, you gave us the news, just the news, none of this "infotainment" BS, where they play 30 minutes of actual news, spaced out over 3 hours, and played over and over all day long. My dad remembers you, he thought you were great.

Billy Mays, dude, you made otherwise lame products interesting. Oxy-Clean, Orange-Glo Mighty Putty, I watched them all. Never bought any of them, but that's not your fault, I just don't care.

Last but not least, Michael. Dude, we all know you didn't do a damn thing except be a fantastic singer and dancer, according to my parents, and also a wonderfully eccentric human being. Thanks, for making the 5 years of news I actually watched interesting.
Well, Good night, people.